2010年8月21日 星期六

溫蒂漢堡(蘇聯時尚篇) - 歷史的幽默

溫蒂漢堡廣告 - 蘇聯時尚篇

朋友傳來一則在 Youtube 上的廣告,是溫蒂漢堡在 1980 年代在加拿大播放的廣告,多年後看來依舊好笑,他想我應該會喜歡這篇廣告,所以傳來給我。
這篇廣告的確有意思,跨越時空,二三十年後看來,還是興味盎然。超胖模特兒的風姿台步、試圖帶動氣氛的小提琴音樂、破舊的音響設備、蹣跚無力的掌聲、節目主持人的腔調,都是笑點;更重要的是它結合了當時美蘇冷戰時期微妙的心結,頗能讓人會心一笑 - 那只手電筒點出宵禁的夜晚生活,真是神來一筆。
廣告不應僅是搏君一笑,增強品牌好感度。 蘇聯時尚篇以幽默的方式呈現溫蒂漢堡的產品差異特質 - 當時一般連鎖速食的漢堡,消費者沒得選擇漢堡裏的配料,如醃製小黃瓜、生菜、蕃茄等,但溫蒂的漢堡只給你一片牛肉漢堡,消費者拿到漢堡後到自助區去添加自己喜歡的配料。其中隱含的價值和樂趣在於你可以有所選擇,且可盡情地添加這些配料,有種物超所值的感覺。

2010年8月12日 星期四


Congratulations to you on your graduation from the university. It's a big milestone in life. No matter you choose to find a job, continue advanced studies, or simply wander around for a while to decide what to do next, this is a precious moment.
There will be always tremendous amount of conventional wisdom and insight people want to share with you or try to guide you. They sometimes can be good and useful, but most importantly, you need to find what your heart tells you. (This may be another piece of conventional wisdom!)
Following one's heart is not easy and it takes courage to go this route. Most people tend to yield to pressures from family, friends, and societal value in general. Later on they may feel happy that they have followed the footprints of others, while some find not fulfilling.
Youth and knowledge are important assets you posses now. You just need to find your inner voice and the courage to pursue your dream.  I wish you all the best in searching for your direction. Feel free to call me at any time if you feel you need a talk.
Again, congratulations to you!